Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Considering I went to Vienna so long ago, and considering I have more exciting adventures to write about (like ROME) I will keep this concise because it was still a memorable day in the lovely capital city.

St. Stephen's Cathedral. 
We spent most of our day trip touring around Vienna and stopping in various churches, museums, and monuments familiar from the movies and history books. Every building in this beautiful city is ornately decorated and colorful. The snow was falling and there were horse drawn carriages in the streets, taking me back in time to the era of Mozart and the Hapsburg royalty.

We saw St. Stephen's Cathedral, a towering work of architecture that seems to point all the way to heaven. There are thousands and thousands of colored tiles covering the entire roof of the cathedral in a uniquely mesmerizing pattern.

Inside, there is a miraculous icon called the Maria Potsch icon, an ancient work that is said to have cried real tears for the unity of the Muslims and Christians, and pilgrims have been praying there for unity ever since.
Maria Potsch
We went to a museum that held the largest collection of relics (in Europe maybe?) including the spear that wounded Christ's side on the cross and the veil that Veronica used to wipe His face during the Passion. The image of His bloodied face is still preserved on that veil. For dinner, we ended up at a Burger King which ended up being an experience in itself! 

The balcony of the Hapsburg palace from which Hitler spoke to millions, and later JPII. 
We spent the rest of the day exploring on our own and strolling through the snowy streets of Vienna until it was time to head back to Gaming. 

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